I've always wonder "why" ; Why do most good news comes with bad news??
today(2/11) I receive my first g/news and b/news at around 10am during my flute lesson at avant garde music academy.. I told my teacher that I can't go for anymore lessons after today cause next week is the prize giving day which is also my birthday(9/11) and I'll be very busy with my band practices as we are competing in the KLWMBC in December.. she told me that today is my last lesson and asked me whether I going or not next year.. I said yes.. Then she the news that today is my last lesson.. At that moment, I'm prepared with the news BUT later she told me that I'll miss my Grade 4 flute examination next year cause I'm going to stop now.. I feel so sad about it.. then I think back again, I have to sacrifice something to get something right?? so maybe I'll pray that next year end of the year 2009, I can sit for my Grade 5 he he.. I'm supposed to sit for my Grade 3 end of the year but cause got KLWMBC so postponed to next but now I'm not sure how.. for sure I'm loyal to the band and will not take the advantage to skip any practices for my flute lesson so I stop.. moreover, KLWMBC is a one life time thing which the Saint Joseph's High School Marching Show Band will compete end of the year.. I take it very seriously.. pray that God will guide us.. *for more info about KLWMBC which stands for Kuala Lumpur World Marching Band Competition u can visit the website at www.klwmbc.com..
when the night comes... I went for band practices.. at the end of the day, there was many news too by the board members of the SjsBand.. the details are not to be posted.. sorry.. but there is something which I was shocked with which is my friend / classmate Abdul Waie which is a former clarinetist and was transferred to the flute section and just now, we receive the news that he is again transferred to the SjsBand Drumline.. was very shock to hear that.. although lately I've not speak to him due to some issues which me and myself can't explain, I still feel sad that he had just leave the flute section.. due to this matter my former senior which "quit" due to PMR which is so bullshit came back to the flute section again.. feel so sick of him.. no offence.. it was a good news to some "parties" but also bad news to some "parties"..
later which is Nov 3, I believe the band will have a nice practice.. can't tell you why.. It's only for SjsBand members.. sorry..
really hope you out there can pray for me as I'm going to perform a solo again on Sunday and my pasts solos was terrible.. hope you can pray for the SjsBand too.. thanks a lot..
P.S. I'm sorry to all.. Hope you guys can understand & forgive me.. GOD BLESS!!
Jordan Wee Yang Yaw