Being The Lord's Servant

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ.

Colossians 3:23-24 (New Living Translation)

Friday, November 28, 2008

Quitting Complaining

November 28, 2008
Today @ This is the way...

Greetings friends,
Inner peace is priceless.

Clyde and Dee Kilough

Quitting Complaining

We can all find something about another person that we can complain about. He or she is always too early or too late, too nervous or too calm, too nosy or too detached, too fat or too thin. He has a bad taste in music; she holds too high an opinion of herself; he isn’t honest; she isn’t loving enough; he has a bad hairstyle—need we say more? We have a tendency to judge others and in time we may begin to dislike them.

If we want peace within ourselves, we must learn to stop judging others and judge only ourselves. We can change ourselves, but it is nigh unto impossible to change others.

The apostle Paul asked Church brethren why they would judge another since each person has to answer to God. He said we should rather judge ourselves (Romans 14:4, 10).

It is beautiful to realize that when we apply God’s way of doing things, we are the beneficiaries. To be at peace within yourself is a blessing God offers.

Further Reading:
Complaints, Complaints (here)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Our Unique Humanity *belated*

November 26, 2008
Today @ This is the way...

Hi friends,
Our creative minds reflect their Creator.

Clyde and Dee Kilough

Our Unique Humanity

Joseph Kovach was 15 when he was sent to a Soviet gulag. He described his time of imprisonment this way: “When I look at the months, the years, they were empty. There’s nothing in terms of thinking, of planning, of remembering the past or planning for the future. It felt almost as though I was hibernating.”

Kovach was moved to a camp with a small library. Then his mind explored the possibilities of ideas...concepts...creativity. When released, he attended the University of Chicago.

In a PBS interview Kovach concluded, “Ultimately, it is our mental apparatus, our capacity to think, our capacity to deal with ideas, our capacity to find unities, coherences in variations—that’s what makes us human. We have a way of creating worlds for ourselves, in our heads, and sharing those worlds.”

Think about it. Mathematics, music, science, engineering—these are all distinctly human endeavors. We are unique because we are created in the image of God. Understanding your origins shapes your future.

Further Reading:
What’s My Purpose Here? (here)


I would like to express my gratitude to everybody for spending some of their time at my blog and leaving a comment behind. I really appreciate your effort and I hope that you will carry on supporting me blogging. Thank you.


To the readers that did not leave any comment behind, it is okay. I believe after this you will leave a comment behind. *bluek*


To Anonymous (Peggy): Thanks a lot for your support. I really hope to meet you face to face and to spot you as my audience this Saturday at the Avant Garde Charity Concert. Thank you.


To Gabrielle Tan: I would to say thank for dropping by at my blog and generously leaving a comment behind. Just to be honest, those words are from Roland’s blog as I want everything to do with blogging but the meanings are from the dictionary and I typed the whole thing myself. That proves that the whole post was not a ‘copy & paste’ thingy but it is actually my effort to improve my English through blogging. =.= You are going for the Avant Garde Charity Concert? Hope to see you there. xD You are not going for the MPYO Concert as you will be in Kuala Lumpur right? Do get something for me.(If I’m your friend) It will not be boring if the audience is a musical person. Lolz


To Roland: I will not contradict the truth where all the words in that post are fundamentally from your blog. You should be ‘proud’ to have your junior to be one the readers of your blog. *bluek* This shows that you are a ‘good senior’ that earns your junior’s respect.


To Blogger[F]iWa2121 WAiE: Gabrielle, you really have sharp eyes. There is nothing special to that picture. I just saw the post box and there was a ‘28’ there so I just took a picture of it. It looks cute too as it is pint-sized. ‘Maybe’ it has something to do with Roland but I just took the picture as I liked the picture of the post box. There is nothing more than that. Please be more positive. IM STRAIGHT. Do you want me to look for the post box with ‘27’ and post it on my blog?


BloggerTo Siti Fatimah Nabihah: Allo, may I know who is this? Thanks a lot for visiting my blog. I am skeptical on how did you manage to reach my blog. Yes, Winston Law was the ex-member of SJSMSB playing the flute and piccolo and he was our ex-band president. Thanks a lot for the compliment. Your blog is also elegant. xD


p.s. I may not be next to when you are talking but my ears are sharp enough to hear what you are talking about.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My English

Do you think I have good English? If you answered “yes” then I’ll say “no”. My English is not good instead it’s deteriorating.


I do no know why. Maybe it is because I speak Bahasa Melayu to much in school but now I have found a way to improve my English.


Through blogging. When you blog, you tend to be careful of what you write so less mistakes will come out and you will be able you widen your vocabulary when read other bloggers’ blog. =)


Here are some words that I want to share with my readers and to prove that blogging really help one’s English and my English is not as good as you think I am. Few days ago, I can’t even spell ‘yawn’. That was so ‘dumb’ of me right? =.=


accusation (n)                 - a claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong

aforesaid (adj)                 - previously said

allergy (n)                      - a medical condition that makes you feel ill when you eat or come into contact with a particular substance

amateur (n)                    - a person who is not skilled at an activity

amok (adv)                     - behave in an uncontrolled way

anticipate (v)                  - do something earlier than someone else / be prepared

astound (v)                     - shock or surprise someone very much

camwhoring                   -

catarrh (n)                      - excessive mucus in the nose or throat

constraint (n)                  - a limitation or restriction

cranky (adj)                    - strange / eccentric / bad-tempered

culinary (adj)                  - having to do with cooking

curfew (n)                      - a regulation requiring people to remain indoors between specific hours of the night

demonic (adj)                 - having to do with demons or evil sprits

deteriorate (v)                - become gradually worse

dizzy (adj)                      - having a sensation of spinning around and losing your balance

drastic (adj)                    - having a strong or far-reaching effect

flatulent (adj)                  - suffering from a building of gas in the intestines or stomach

gastronomy (n)               - the practice or art of cooking and eating good food

giddy (n)                        - having the feeling that everything is moving and that you are going to fall / excitable and silly

hiatus (n)                       - a pause or gap in a series or sequence

influenza (n)                   - a disease spread by a virus and causing fever and aching

inquisitive (adj)               - eager to find things out / prying

intimidate (v)                  - frighten or threaten someone, especially to force them to do something

lethargic (adj)                 - lacking energy or enthusiasm

mambo                          -

nausea (n)                      - a feeling of sickness and wanting to vomit

newbie                          -

overstraining (v)              - to subject to excessive strain, especially to force beyond a natural or proper limit / to put forth too much physical effort

pissed (adj)                    - extremely irritated or angry. often used with off. / chiefly British  intoxicated; drunk.

pursue (v)                      - try to achieve a goal / follow a course of action / continue to investigate of discuss a topic

putrid (adj)                     - decaying or rotting and producing a very unpleasant smell / very unpleasant

sadism (n)                      - enjoyment felt in hurting or humiliating other people

sexism (n)                      - prejudice or discrimination on the basis of a person’s sex

sore (adj)                       - painful or aching / urgent / upset and angry

stall (v)                          - suddenly stop running / stop making progress

torment (n)                    - great suffering / a cause of great suffering

vain (adj)                       - having too high an opinion of yourself / useless or meaningless

zombie (n)                     - a person who seems to be partly alive

to burn the midnight oil   - to study or work late at night


p.s. When you blog, always remember to give your best shot. xD

Monday, November 24, 2008

Disciples for Today

November 24, 2008 
Today @ This is the way...

Hi friends,
Jesus Christ hasn’t stopped looking for disciples.

Clyde and Dee Kilough

Disciples for Today

When Jesus walked the earth, He chose 12 men to be His disciples. These men were remarkable only in the fact that they were so common. Not one was an important political figure, man of great wealth or visible social standing.

Simon Peter, Andrew, James, John and Philip were all fishermen. Matthew was a tax collector, a despised vocation in the eyes of Jewish society. Simon the Zealot was a political fanatic. Almost nothing is known of the background of the other five. Most of the women who followed Him were also common people.

A disciple is someone who imitates the teacher. A disciple of Jesus Christ is a person who imitates his or her Teacher’s life. True Christianity isn’t about accepting Jesus as your Savior and then going on as if nothing happened. True Christianity is God taking common people and turning them into uncommon disciples.

Christianity has enough uncommitted believers; Jesus is calling for committed disciples.

Further Reading:

Sunday, November 23, 2008

My Day

Can you see that Official Receipt of mine? xD what information can you get from there?


I'm not rich if you think I am. I am just a typical flautist from Kuching. I did not even know that I am already 15 years old and 15 days today.


I'm sitting for the The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) Practical Examination next year in April. 

This will mark the first time I sit for music examination with this examination board. 

In addition, my second time sitting for a flute examination. 

Lastly, my first time sitting for a piano examination.


Argh, I need to finish my theory for Grade 5 by August next year to ensure that I can continue further in music education. As for now, I not even holding any certificate for theory but I am doing the Grade 3 theory book and soon starting with the Grade 4.


As for today, it was a Sunday but it was indeed an unusual one as I felt so weak early this morning because of some personal reasons and everything was transformed after I attend the church service. I really felt that God’s presence was there and was trying to tell me that, when I fell like I am in a dust bin waiting to be thrown, He will be there waiting for me to call upon Him and pick me up and be with Him. I really thank God for that.


After church, I went home and prepared for the Avant Garde rehearsal from 2-4.30pm. It was as usual just that the percussions joined us today and the room was thronged.


After the rehearsal, I went home to take a shower and then my dad brought my mum and I to the harbour to have a look at the ‘Kedah Ship’ – a military ship. I was something rather intriguing for me. =)


Next, I went to Tun Jugah to get a t-shirt with collar for the Avant Garde and I headed to tHe spring for ‘something’. I saw Winston Law the ex-president from Saint Joseph’s School Marching Show Band (SJSMSB) with his family. He really changed a lot since the last time I saw him. =.=


The last place that I went today was my aunt’s house where I washed a lot of plates. I never did that before. It was a miracle for me to do something like that. =) My family and I were there because my aunt was celebrating her wedding anniversary. *congratulations*


Till now where I am blogging and chatting with my friend Peggy about ‘somebody’. *bluek*


p.s. Can you please rectify me? I rather get disparaged by you than seeing you evading me. =.=

Upcoming Events

p.s. I'll be performing for the Avant Garde Charity Concert. As for the MPYO Evening Concert, I'll be an audience.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

A Different Saturday Night

The audition for the MPYO yesterday was indeed horrible. Maybe I was over confident and I did badly during the audition. Don’t bother about it, it’s over now. xD 

I just came back from my cousin’s wedding dinner at It Hng (Teochew) Restaurant next to the MBKS Swimming Pool. The dinner was a great success. I did not want to go due to some personal reasons but I was forced to attend the dinner so in the end I went. When I reached there it was just another dinner to me. I saw my car being the bridal car. It was nice. =.=

The dinner started off well till suddenly my dad fell very sick so he drove back alone to my grandma’s house near Park Lane leaving my mum and I at the dinner. At that moment, my mum did not have the mood to eat anymore. (I was told that my dad vomited when he reached my grandma’s house after the dinner.) The dinner was rather lame. I felt so bored and I decided to go out and take some pictures before the dinner ends. =( 

After the dinner, my cousin sent my mum and I to my grandma’s house to meet my dad. After that, we went to Green Road for ‘dinner’ as the dinner before was not filling at all. After ‘dinner’, we went to our aunt’s house just outside Green Road Secondary School as we wait for the Vios. In the end, we reached home safely till now. =)

 p.s. No matter what, I am still grateful that I was able to attend the dinner. Thank you Lord for everything, Amen.

The Prodigal *belated*

November 21, 2008
Today @ This is the way...

Dear friends,
Made any mistakes lately? What do you do now?

Clyde and Dee Kilough

The Prodigal

Jesus told a parable of a young man who left home and wasted his inheritance on booze, wild women and partying. One day he finds himself eating from a pig trough with the pigs. He’s lost his money, his friends and his self-respect.

The young man decides that it would be better to return home and hire on as a laborer. When he arrives home he tells his father, “I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be called your son” (Luke 15:21).

The young man expects his father’s wrath. Instead, his father is ecstatic because his son gave up his self-destructive ways and returned to his family. This is how God looks at you. No matter how hopeless life may appear or how many wrong deeds you’ve committed, God wants you to admit your mistakes, then ask for and receive His forgiveness and blessing.

Further Reading:
How Do You Recover From a Costly Mistake? (here)

Thursday, November 20, 2008


On the 7th of September 2008, I enrolled for the Malaysian Philharmonic Youth Orchestra (MPYO) Audition. Well, I have been shortlisted and the audition is tomorrow. xD (approximately 15 hours from now)

I am not expecting to be in the orchestra as I do not meet the eligibility. The purpose why I enrolled is just to gain the experience. Whether I am in or not is not the point here, the important thing is that I want, will and must do my best by giving my best shot. =.=

p.s. To all my friends out there and to all the readers of my blog, please pray for all the candidates for the audition including me that we will do our best. Thank you. =)

GO AND SIN NO MORE *belated*

November 19, 2008


Dear friends,
This part of the story is often overlooked.

Clyde and Dee Kilough
Go and Sin No More

A popular episode from Jesus’ life is when some religious people
brought a woman caught in adultery to Him.
This was a serious crime, condemned by the Ten Commandments.
Jesus told the crowd, “He who is without sin among you,
let him throw a stone at her first” (John 8:7).

Many people think this is the end of the story.
How many times has someone caught in adultery,
robbery or cheating quoted Jesus as if God’s forgiveness
erases all standards of right and wrong?
And without moral standards,
no one has the right to judge anyone else.

But the last words of Jesus to this woman are often ignored:
“Go and sin no more” (verse 11).

God’s forgiveness doesn’t erase the responsibility
to know the difference between good and evil
and to choose the good.
God’s forgiveness frees us from destructive ways
so we can learn the ways that lead to a better life.

Further reading:
“Throwing Stones” (here)

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Power of Thought

November 17, 2008
Today @ This is the way...

Hi friends,
Have you heard the term psychosomatic illness?

Clyde and Dee Kilough

The Power of Thought

At a football game in Los Angeles, some spectators became ill with food poisoning. It was discovered that all had consumed soft drinks from the same machine. This was announced to the crowd. Within a short time dozens of people were vomiting and fainting. Two hundred people were hospitalized. It was then determined that the food poisoning had nothing to do with the soft drink machine. When this was announced, people’s symptoms began to disappear.

Negative thoughts can affect your physical health. King Solomon wrote, “A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones” (Proverbs 17:22).

The most important lesson in learning to control your emotions is to learn to control your thoughts. As Solomon wrote, “For [as a person] thinks in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). Get your Bible and read the wisdom of Proverbs. It will change the way you think and the way you feel.

Further Reading:
Laughter Is the Best Medicine (here)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

*work station*


This is a table, a table where I typical flautist like me 'study'.


Can you spot the difference? Those three 'items' are my bithday presents when I reached 15 years old. *bluek*

Monday, November 10, 2008

*happy blessed belated 15th / 16th birthday*

tea or coffee ??

* - a young Fl@uTisT - TM *
*  Happy Blessed 15th Birthday *

* candles *

me  =.=

* birthday boys *
from left : Howard Kong and Jordan Wee

* carrot cheese cake *

* bombay sapphire *

* bill *

p.s.  everybody is not encouraged to consume alcohol