believe in God our Father. I believe in Christ the Son. I believe in the Holy
Spirit. I believe that my God is three in one. I believe in the resurrection
that we will rise again for I believe in the name of Jesus. I believe in Him. I
believe that He rose again. I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord. I believe in
life eternal. I believe in the virgin birth. I believe in the saints' communion
and in His holy Church.
Because the life of Jesus Christ is very real in my life. God is alive.
Although I can’t see Him, but I know He is with me 24-7 and His Holy Spirit is
in me.
was raised in a Christian family. I accepted Jesus Christ into my life when I was
12 years old. I went for water baptism when I was 21 years old.
has showed me His mighty works at a youth camp recently. Thereafter, he
continued to show me His glory through His daughter (a female pastor).
I have any doubts, He continues to show that He is always faithful to me and
sometimes, I just have to continue praying and waiting for Him to manifest His
sovereignty in my life. I want to love Him more and be more like Him in my
everyday life!
A believer in Jesus Christ the King of kings and the Lord of lords.