Being The Lord's Servant

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ.

Colossians 3:23-24 (New Living Translation)

Monday, December 15, 2014

My Story

I believe in God our Father. I believe in Christ the Son. I believe in the Holy Spirit. I believe that my God is three in one. I believe in the resurrection that we will rise again for I believe in the name of Jesus. I believe in Him. I believe that He rose again. I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord. I believe in life eternal. I believe in the virgin birth. I believe in the saints' communion and in His holy Church.

Why? Because the life of Jesus Christ is very real in my life. God is alive. Although I can’t see Him, but I know He is with me 24-7 and His Holy Spirit is in me.

I was raised in a Christian family. I accepted Jesus Christ into my life when I was 12 years old. I went for water baptism when I was 21 years old.

God has showed me His mighty works at a youth camp recently. Thereafter, he continued to show me His glory through His daughter (a female pastor).

Whenever I have any doubts, He continues to show that He is always faithful to me and sometimes, I just have to continue praying and waiting for Him to manifest His sovereignty in my life. I want to love Him more and be more like Him in my everyday life!

A believer in Jesus Christ the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

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