Do you think I have good English? If you answered “yes” then I’ll say “no”. My English is not good instead it’s deteriorating.
I do no know why. Maybe it is because I speak Bahasa Melayu to much in school but now I have found a way to improve my English.
Through blogging. When you blog, you tend to be careful of what you write so less mistakes will come out and you will be able you widen your vocabulary when read other bloggers’ blog. =)
Here are some words that I want to share with my readers and to prove that blogging really help one’s English and my English is not as good as you think I am. Few days ago, I can’t even spell ‘yawn’. That was so ‘dumb’ of me right? =.=
accusation (n) - a claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong
aforesaid (adj) - previously said
allergy (n) - a medical condition that makes you feel ill when you eat or come into contact with a particular substance
amateur (n) - a person who is not skilled at an activity
amok (adv) - behave in an uncontrolled way
anticipate (v) - do something earlier than someone else / be prepared
astound (v) - shock or surprise someone very much
camwhoring -
catarrh (n) - excessive mucus in the nose or throat
constraint (n) - a limitation or restriction
cranky (adj) - strange / eccentric / bad-tempered
culinary (adj) - having to do with cooking
curfew (n) - a regulation requiring people to remain indoors between specific hours of the night
demonic (adj) - having to do with demons or evil sprits
deteriorate (v) - become gradually worse
dizzy (adj) - having a sensation of spinning around and losing your balance
drastic (adj) - having a strong or far-reaching effect
flatulent (adj) - suffering from a building of gas in the intestines or stomach
gastronomy (n) - the practice or art of cooking and eating good food
giddy (n) - having the feeling that everything is moving and that you are going to fall / excitable and silly
hiatus (n) - a pause or gap in a series or sequence
influenza (n) - a disease spread by a virus and causing fever and aching
inquisitive (adj) - eager to find things out / prying
intimidate (v) - frighten or threaten someone, especially to force them to do something
lethargic (adj) - lacking energy or enthusiasm
mambo -
nausea (n) - a feeling of sickness and wanting to vomit
newbie -
overstraining (v) - to subject to excessive strain, especially to force beyond a natural or proper limit / to put forth too much physical effort
pissed (adj) - extremely irritated or angry. often used with off. / chiefly British intoxicated; drunk.
pursue (v) - try to achieve a goal / follow a course of action / continue to investigate of discuss a topic
putrid (adj) - decaying or rotting and producing a very unpleasant smell / very unpleasant
sadism (n) - enjoyment felt in hurting or humiliating other people
sexism (n) - prejudice or discrimination on the basis of a person’s sex
sore (adj) - painful or aching / urgent / upset and angry
stall (v) - suddenly stop running / stop making progress
torment (n) - great suffering / a cause of great suffering
vain (adj) - having too high an opinion of yourself / useless or meaningless
zombie (n) - a person who seems to be partly alive
to burn the midnight oil - to study or work late at night
p.s. When you blog, always remember to give your best shot. xD